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Rafaela Elba

First Dose of AstraZeneca on 06/08/2021

Second Dose of AstraZeneca on 08/06/2021

Cascavel, Paraná; Brazil

25 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

Eu sou portadora de Hidrocefalia, mas nunca me impediu de leva uma vida normal, sou mãe de uma menina de 5 anos,antes da vacina levava uma vida normal sem dores,não tomava remédios

Translation: I have Hydrocephalus, but it has never stopped me from leading a normal life, I am the mother of a 5-year-old girl, before the vaccine I led a normal life without pain, I did not take medication.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

Na época tive medo de morrer por conta do covid

Translation: At the time, I was afraid of dying because of covid.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

Me chamo Rafaela tenho 26 anos, em 08/06/2021 tomei a primeira dose da vacina da covid Astrazeneca, e 72 horas após começou a aparecer pintinhas nas pernas até achei que fosse alergia do sabonete ou algo do tipo não tinha me tocado que podia ser reação,aí começou a dores nas pernas e inchaço, e aí em 31/08/2021,72 horas após não aguentava de queimação e minhas pernas ficaram completamente roxas e vermelha,não conseguia andar e fui ao pronto socorro,aí o médico lá perguntou o que eu comia, aí que me toquei que a única coisa que fiz foi toma a vacina,na época na minha cidade só atendiam covid e nada de eu conseguir consulta, até que em Dezembro consegui no posto de saúde,mas precisava de Hematologista e pelo SUS não tinha,aí postei nas redes sociais e uma médica me ajudou conseguindo Hematologista pelo hospital público,aí começou minha luta,ele tinha visto minha foto e já falou que eu tive Púrpura Henoch-Schönlein secundária a vacina,além disso adquiri hipertensão,anemia auto imune,tive hemorragia vaginal,hoje uso DIU,meus rins foram afetados,nunca bebia e fumava,hoje tomo remédio pra dores , pra manter os rins funcionando, coiticoide e outros.Todo mês preciso fazer exames de sangue ,hoje sou acompanhada com Reumatologista e Nefrologista.

Translation: My name is Rafaela, I'm 26 years old. On 06/08/2021, I took the first dose of the covid vaccine AstraZeneca, and 72 hours later, spots started to appear on my legs. I even thought it was an allergy from the soap or something like that. Then the pain in the legs and swelling began. On 08/31/2021, 72 hours after, I couldn't stand due to the burning, and my legs were completely purple and red. I couldn't walk, and I went to the emergency room. The doctor there asked what I ate, and then I realized that the only thing I did was get the vaccine. At that time in my city, they only attended to people with covid, and I couldn't get an appointment until December. I got it at the health center, but I needed a Hematologist. Because of SUS, I didn't have it, so I posted it on social networks and a doctor helped me by getting me an appointment with a Hematologist at the public hospital. That's when my fight began. He had seen my photo and already said that I had Henoch-Schönlein Purpura secondary to the vaccine. In addition, I acquired hypertension, autoimmune anemia and vaginal bleeding. Today I use an IUD. My kidneys were affected, but I never drank or smoked. Today I take medicine for pain, to keep my kidneys working, corticoids and others.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

Diagnóstico de púrpura Henoch-Schönlein,nefrite

Translation: Diagnosis of Henoch-Schönlein purpura, nephritis

Q: Are there any treatments we should know about that helped or hurt your health?

Hoje faço uso de remédios para dormir,pra dores,pra manter os rins, e uso de coiticoide estou inchada.

Translation: Today I use medicine to sleep, for pain, to maintain my kidneys, and I use corticoids, because I'm swollen.

Q: Have you had Covid before?

Nunca peguei covid

Translation: I never caught covid.

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