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Kristi Dobbs, Registered Dental Hygienist

First Dose Pfizer on 1/18/21 Lot# EJ1686


My name is Kristi Dobbs. I am a Registered Dental Hygienist, wife and mother of 4. I was a healthy, active 39 year old before I received my one and only dose of the Pfizer covid 19 vaccine on January 18, 2021.

I had an immediate reaction at the hospital clinic where I was appointed. It started as an odd tingling sensation running through my left arm, where I had just received the shot. I had barely sat down in the monitoring station, when I suddenly had a pre-syncopal episode. I couldn’t breath, felt hot, had increased pulse, respirations and heart rate, as well as a blood pressure reading that was so high it was stroke worthy.

In the last 9 months I have endured full body tremors and paresthesia’s, internal electrical vibrations, tinnitus, extreme fatigue, brain fog, muscle pain and weakness, inability to sleep, and multiple autonomic dysfunctions. I have had over 22 different symptoms that have plagued me for over 288 days.

I feel lucky that I was able to definitively know that my side effects were solely from the vaccine. BUT…I have been advocating for answers from many facets of the medical world for over 9 months. The medical community has remained uninformed and baffled by these reactions, and therefore unable to properly treat patients like myself, due to a lack of research and awareness.

My goal is to advocate for the injured, by bringing awareness to our vaccine reactions, so that we can be seen, heard, and believed.

Kristi Dobb's Real, Not Rare Story:

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I was a healthy and active wife, and mother of four (12, 10, 6, 4). I enjoyed camping, crafting, sewing, kayaking, going to church, and my career as a dental hygienist.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

I had an immediate reaction in the hospital clinic I was appointed for my Pfizer covid vaccine. I had barely sat in the monitoring area, and I felt an odd tingling sensation running down my left arm, which is where I received the shot. I had a pre-syncopal episode where I felt like I was going to pass out. I got hot, couldn't breathe, and was barely able to stick with reality to grab a nurse before I fell back in my chair. They brought over a blood pressure machine, that also had a pulse ox to check my vitals. I had increased pulse, and respirations, as well as a blood pressure reading that was stroke worthy. My vitals finally stabilized 45 minutes after injection, so they sent me home. The 2 days following my vaccine, I experienced all the side effects warranted under informed consent, which included; sore arm, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and generally malaise. By day 3 the effects of the vaccine started to ravage my body. I felt a stabbing pain in my left scapula region. Iwas having tremors in my left arm and hand, as well as left sided parasthesia's. Day 4 is when the full body parasthesia's started, as well as an internal electrical vibration feeling, essential tremors in both hands, temperature regulation issues, extreme fatigue, diarrhea, muscle pain and weakness, swollen painful lymph nodes, tinnitus, heart palpitations, kidney dysfunction, skin rashes including granuloma annulara, heavy-thick clotted menstrual cycles, nocturnal convulsions/pseudoseizures, headaches, dizziness.

Q: What was your life like after you got the vaccine?

At first I was debilitated from the life I once knew. I could barely get out of bed. If I did get out of bed, I could barely make it to the living room, and then it was back to bed. We were still in the thick of covid, so we chose to virtually homeschool our kids last year, so I was their "teacher aide." I couldn't help my kids with school work, or meetings, and if I did, it was in bed or on the couch. I had no appetite, and was rapidly losing weight. I couldn't cook for my family, I couldn't drive, and my body was failing me. I literally prepared my funeral arrangements in anticipation that I would be leaving this earth. Before my vax I was taking turns with my husband and brother-in-law to care for my MIL who just finished a bone marrow transplant for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in late 2019. I was no longer able to take my turns to care for her, and the days when my husband and 2 older girls were gone to care for her, my 6 year old was helping to take care of me and her 4 year old brother. I had a hard time getting up steps, because my legs wouldn't work. I was having convulsions or pseudoseizures at night that I knew I was having, but couldn't get myself out of it. My 6 year old had to shake me out of a convulsion one evening. For the first few months, I felt I wasn't getting the support I needed at home, with doctor's, and even friends and family. There were several time I wanted to take my life, because I didn't know how much longer I could endure the pain I felt in my body 24/7, with no relief in site, and no one to help. Those were some really dark and lonely places. If I didn't have my social network support groups, and my husband and children to be the light in the tunnel, I don't know if I could have made it out of the other side. 9 months post vax, I am still in pain. I still have the tremors, internal electrical vibrations, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, and brain fog, but more manageable than in the beginning.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

I have seen 3 Chiropractors, Urgent care doctor, Emergency room nurse practitioner, PCP, Allergist/ Immunologist, Urologist, Cardiologist, Dermatologist, General Surgeon for biopsies, Functional Medicine doctor, Neurologist nurse practitioner and doctor, Radiologist, and Ultrasound technician. I have had xrays, MRI's, CT scans, extensive blood work, biopsies, ultrasounds, EKG, echocardiogram, wore a 2 week heart monitor, and multiple external exams and neuro evals. So far my only diagnosis is antiphospholipid antibody positive (a blood clotting disorder), and mast cell activation syndrome. I am awaiting some genetics testing for possible further diagnosis.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

I have reportes my adverse event to v-safe/VAERS, Pfizer, CDC, FDA, NIH, Mayo, and a few prestigious universities.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms Time! Aspirin was a life saver in the beginning, H1/H2 antihistamines. Now I am taking multiple supplements and on a special diet to help minimize free radicals and focus on cellular health. I am still symptomatic through all treatments I have tried, but getting better slowly.

Q:What do you wish others knew?

I wish that myself, and others were properly informed about these possible vaccine side effects before we sat down in the chair and rolled up our sleeve. We were not given proper consent, yet were persuaded by some of the most prominent leaders in this country to do the right thing by receiving this "safe and effective" vaccine. It happened to us, it will happen to more. We have injured recipients that were in the clinical trials, and have been advocating for many months now. The CDC, FDA, and NIH have been fully aware of our reactions, with no acknowledgment. We have been silenced, abandoned, and censored, but we will continue to fight for acknowledgment and transparency.

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