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Chan Gibbs

First Dose of AstraZeneca on 2/25/21 Lot #PV46663

United Kingdom

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

Though I had some chronic health issues they were well managed and I was able to do a variety of activities, be sociable and enjoy my life.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

Within an hour I had extreme head pressure and started developing neurological symptoms of burning and muscle pain along with a quickened heart rate. I felt ill like I had a very odd flu for weeks with a constant headache. I then developed severe rib and chest pain on week 3 requiring an A&E/ER visit. They did an Xray and sent me home. The pain continued along with random leg cramps and a breathless feeling. 6 weeks after I had an odd spell where I almost fainted with an odd headache and more head pressure. My vision went funny during that and I was fearful. I struggled to find help from my GP who was always booked or urgent care as the hospital sent me there. I was told I didn't need a scan by my hospitals Vaccine department as it was now 6 weeks and that it was nothing sinister and could not be caused by the vaccine. I contacted Astrazeneca and our UK Yellow Card scheme, but to no avail. AZ admitted a scan would be warranted, but they offered me no assistance in doing so. My eyesight was now diminished in one eye. I also started having strong pins and needles in my feet and hands. My legs and arms also fell asleep often. 2 months and one week after, I had an anaphylactic reaction two days in a row requiring hospital visits. A day after those I had atrial fibrillation. I was on short term steroids and large quantities of antihistamines. It was suspected by the hospital that I developed food allergies. I also showed signs of unknown infection via my bloodwork and had developed type 2 Diabetes (in January I did not have it). It was now mid May and I developed gland swelling and tonsil issues. I began to lose my voice. I was consistently frightened I would choke as even swallowing became tricky. I was eating low histamine and struggling to find food that didn't make me start to have a reaction. I also started reacting to everything around me and developing new skin rashes and my hair started falling out. I then had odd mouth issues which has been suggested as Burning Mouth Syndrome. I requested to see an ENT, immunologist, neurologist, rheumatologist, anyone really who could help, but no luck doing so. 6.5 months in, after seeing a dentist and multiple GP calls, I saw an ENT who saw larynx problems and post nasal drip, but was unconcerned about my issues as he felt they weren't "sinister in nature". 7 months in I paid to see a specialist that deals with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome which I have subsequently been diagnosed.

Q: What was your life like after you got the vaccine?

My life has changed drastically since the vaccine. I struggle to get through every day, wondering if everything I eat, drink or breathe is going to set off anaphylaxis. I'm frightened to talk too much, in that my larynx will seize up as my throat is constantly irritated. Parts of my body continue to feel on fire, with pins and needles and muscle or facial twitches as common. My glands swell, my mouth tingles and burns. I get breathless and tired feeling always. My appearance is such, due to the hair loss and rashes, that I am now uncomfortable in any social situation. I have lost employment opportunities, am homebound and feel despair. The vaccine has triggered something in my body that feels immunologically destructive and I am fearful my situation will never improve.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

I have struggled to get medical help since my Vaccine. I have felt ignored and belittled. I have been treated poorly as hysterical by an EMT in my own home for having an Atrial Fibrillation attack. I have been ignored all night at my hospital to wait in a dirty storage room while having an anaphylactic reaction. The only actual care I've received is from a minority at my GP surgery and my MCAS specialist. I have had many suggested temporary diagnosis since the vaccine including various types of Migraine, Neuropathy, Dysphagia, Tonsillitis, etc. I have been properly diagnosed with MCAS and Type 2 Diabetes.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

I have reported my reaction to the UK yellow card scheme, Astra Zeneca, and of course my GP and local hospital are aware of what's occurred. I have had a poor response from Astrazeneca and none from the scheme.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

My headaches and vision have improved by half, though are still bothersome. My burning, pins and needles, rib pain/chest pain and twitches are still here daily, but in less extreme severity. Unfortunately, the only thing I believe that has helped with these type of symptoms has been time.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

That it's not right for the medical establishment to dismiss us, whether believed to of been caused by the vaccine or not, we still have a right to care. We are people that for whatever reason, have had our bodies be either immunologically or inflammatorily triggered by a vaccine we took to protect not only ourselves but those around us. We are being unkindly treated, gaslighted and our lives destroyed for doing so. We are shunned as being anti vaccine or being crazy because our bodies have not responded as "normal".

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