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Ambrosine Yolanda

First Dose of Pfizer in February of 2021

Second Dose of Pfizer in April of 2021

London, United Kingdom

54 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

Since I was 22 yrs old, I have had chronic fatigue syndrome. However, I was living with it, and I was okay! I had a baseline, and I was very active.

Q: Would you like to share your reason(s) for getting the vaccine?

Because I thought I was doing the right thing. My doctor and my husband said go for it.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

So I had the first vaccine in February '21, and a few days later, I couldn’t walk. I had numbness in my right hand. I had jitters, panic attacks and anxiety. My body didn’t feel right in between the vaccines. I had kidney stone surgeries, and I remember one day, I was in my bedroom with my daughter and all of a sudden a huge panic attack came over me. I don’t know where it came from. I then didn’t feel well for weeks and just went downhill. I was so bad. I had tremors in my hands and body. I felt that I was going mad. I was having hallucinations. I was just so, so ill.

I went to my GP, and they thought it was a urinary infection, so I kept getting rounds of antibiotics. Then I got a callout for the second shot of Pfizer. That was in April, and I could hardly walk to the place where they were giving the vaccinations. When I came out I just could hardly walk to the car. The GP didn’t know what to do. I was so ill, my husband was taking me in and out of accident and emergency at my local hospital. They thought I was nuts. I kept screaming "help me, help me, I’m afraid, help me!". I really didn’t know what was going on, as again I thought it must be me, it must be something I’m having a mental breakdown. My then general practitioner said oh, you’ve got general anxiety disorder and started to give me medications over the phone and diazepam. I was so ill, and I just continued to get sicker and sicker. I thought, as I said, that I was going mad, so I contacted an eminent professor of psychiatry at a private hospital under insurance, and he said that you are going cold turkey on your sleeping medication now. I have been taking this medication since I had my daughter in 2010, and I had no problems with it. I was on quite a high dose, but it helped me sleep in the day and have a nap to control the chronic fatigue syndrome and help me sleep at night.

I went into the private hospital where they took away the sleeping tablet, and they placed me on a very high dose of diazepam. Not one person ever mentioned the vaccination, or that it could be due to the vaccination. The only doctor that said it was the vaccination and that they would check me for clots, was a lovely lady doctor in the local hospital. She immediately put me into the x-ray machine to check for that, but apart from that, nothing else. When I came out of the hospital, I was in severe withdrawals from the sleeping tablets and also coming off the diazepam. I could not sleep, and I could not nap after that. I was so ill, I didn’t know what to do.

The beginning of 2022, I had another kidney stone surgery to remove the rest of the stones in my right kidney, and my health has completely deteriorated.

I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t nap. I was in a terrible state, and by June, I felt suicidal. I’ve never felt like this in my whole life before and in August and September 2022, I went back into the hospital. I spoke to the specialist. I think he started off with the vaccine, and I was also in menopause, and I also had Covid in the March 2022 and August, when I was in the hospital. They upped the dose of diazepam a little bit, but again the vaccine was not mentioned. I started doing research on Twitter and realized that this was my problem. By looking at the dates of my diary and looking at what was happening to me, I realized that I was vaccine injured. I haven’t had a diagnosis properly from a doctor. I started to get neurological issues back in September '21 and '22. I was stuttering, my language was coming out backwards four different times. I went into a stroke hospital where they said we don’t think it’s a stroke, but you may be having TIAs. Even this Saturday I was in accident and emergency, again taken by ambulance, when my language was going backwards and forwards, stuttering, repeating words et cetera. All CT scans and MRIs were clear. My blood work only showed high cholesterol. I was on HRT, because I was in menopause, and I am now postmenopausal. My local GP doesn’t put it down to the vaccine, but I’ve just been offered the booster. I told them and the NHS that I will not be having any more vaccines, due to the fact that I know that my health deteriorated after having the Covid vaccine.

Q: Tell us about any tests, diagnoses, and/or Medical Care received:

I’ve had every test under the sun. MRIs, CT scans, x-rays, blood tests

Q: Where has your reaction been reported, and what was the response?

I reported it on the yellow card system, didn’t get a response. I rang up Pfizer, I didn’t get a response. I spoke to GPs and hospital doctors and nothing.

Q: Are there any treatments that have helped or hurt your health?

Nothing has helped me, only time. When I can get a nap, I feel a little bit better, but it’s been two years now.

Q: Have you had Covid before?

I had Covid in March 2022 and August 2022 and just felt very, very tired for a week. Took me a couple of weeks to get over it, but nothing too bad.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

Obviously some people have taken the vaccine and feel great, but I have never felt the same again. I have one male friend who was in hospital with issues, is now on six tablets and will never feel the same again. I can feel my body, and I know that I will not recover from this.

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Real Not Rare does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. Anything contained on this website or conveyed in the blog stories or groups, is not substitute for adequate medical care, diagnosis, and/or treatment from a medical doctor. It is strongly recommended that prior to acting upon any information gleaned via Real Not Rare or their representatives, you at all times first consult a physician. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual being interviewed in each story, and do not necessarily reflect the position of Real, Not Rare as a whole.



amy bishop
Feb 17, 2023

Wow I’m so sorry, you will be in my prayers


Feb 16, 2023

You as many others are in my prayers. This is so beyond the natural.✨


Feb 14, 2023

My daughter turned 16 in September 2021 when she received her first and ONLY Pfizer vaccination. Her period stopped within 30 minutes of receiving the vaccination. Didn’t start again until we went to doctor who said her hormones were that of a woman in menopause. Started her on HRT. She is on 3 blood thinners for micro-clotting which was giving her TIAs , pain in her entire body - muscle weakness to the point of requiring wheelchair. Short term memory loss + other are not alone or going crazy!

Find a doctor associated FLCCC. We found Dr. Pierre Kory June of 2022 and we are getting our daughter back! Ivermectin is critically important.

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