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Taylor Nafey, 20 yrs old

Second Dose of Pfizer on 07/14/21

South Carolina

20 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I entered the US Navy to serve my country honorably. I was in the best shape of my life and felt fantastic. I was an avid gym person who exercised regularly without limitations.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

Required by my job

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

Two weeks after my second dose of the vaccine, I started experiencing vertigo symptoms a few times a day. I ignored them, thinking they were from being tired/stressed. My schooling required very long periods of reading and studying for exams. These vertigo symptoms lasted up until I had my first full-blown seizure in early January 2022. Since then, the seizure activity has started picking up. I have been placed on Medical Hold, so now my military career is over. I was approved for disability and will be discharged later this fall. I started seeing a regular Neurologist, who started me on Keppra to try and stop the tremors/seizures. That didn't work at all. My parents called out the doctor and basically and told him, you are not trying to find out what are causing these issues, you are merely just throwing meds at him to see what works. We asked to be referred to a seizure specialist. They sent us to a teaching hospital in SC. They ran all the big tests, saying all my bloodwork is fine. 3D MRI was fine, no other issues they could see. We explained that we do not have any family members with seizure history on either side. No health issues growing up, other than the common cold. My specialist there diagnosed me with JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy) from my symptoms alone. The doctors there put me on Zonisamide 100mg and Briviact 100mg, both 2x a day, stating this was 95% effective for people with JME. Well, that isn't working either. We explained to the hospital/doctors that this all started shortly after the 2nd dose. They just kind of rolled their eyes and poo pooed the idea. After consulting several friends in the medical field, I started to see a Holistic Medicine doctor who opened his own practice many years ago. We discussed my case, and he firmly believes the shot was the cause, because he is treating many patients with post-vaccine injuries. So as of today, I am on my 2nd week of detoxing, and I am truly feeling worse. It seems like the tremors have picked up and today, I had back-to-back seizures for the first time. That could be from herxing, since my body is ridding itself of these metals and toxins, including the spike protein in the shot. I am at a loss for words right now. I'm scared, my family is terrified, and we fear I will never get my life back again. I'm just tired of getting poked and prodded by each doctor, and I'm really tired of being lied to. I just want my life back. I'm writing this to let everyone know they are not alone. There are tons of us suffering from this, and we all want answers. May God Bless all of you!!!

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

MRI, EEG, EKG, Bloodwork, DNA testing. Recently diagnosed with JME.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

VAERS. Received a call back in two days. The person on the phone couldn't be any nicer. She said we were on the right track seeking Alternative Medicine. It was refreshing to hear from someone that was supportive. She said the stories are horrifying.

Q: Are there any treatments we should know about that helped or hurt your health?

Nothing so far, but crossing my fingers the detox works to alleviate this.

Q: Have you had Covid before?


Q: What do you wish others knew?

Educate yourself before doing anything.

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34 commentaires

Mark S
Mark S
24 oct. 2022

I've lost 4 friends/family members to these vaccines. Of course, that's been dismissed by their doctors. Somehow, healthy people routinely just go to bed and don't wake up the next morning. Nothing to see here. Move along.

03 déc. 2022
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Bet they wish they had listened to us now huh. But it's even worse since now they're acting like ostriches with heads in the sand. Full scale denial rather than admit you were right or even to seek potential treatment. It's certainly frustrating to say the least. Could have saved them all this pain and suffering. We tried, at least.

I'm mid 30s too and real glad all my organs are still healthy, intact and functional. It feels great to be healthy. But you're so right: there's only so much you can do before it becomes their choice and responsibility.


23 oct. 2022

So sorry that this happened to you. Please check out this website to find others like you who were vaccine injured but now have somewhat recovered from the injuries via various types of treatments.


21 oct. 2022

So sorry this happened to you, step son was forced to take jabs in Navy, too. Also, MY son was forced to take jabs with threat of job loss from DOD. I pray every day nothing happens to either one of them, but am prepared for the worst and sometimes my thoughts overtake me and I get depressed. Keep up with the detox, I suggested STRONGLY to both sons to do a detox program with NEC & dietary bentonite. Doubt that has happened...I will include in my prayers.

03 déc. 2022
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He should simply have accepted job loss and adapted. Found a new job. Whatever you need to do. Those that can't adapt now will be left behind or wiped out. Psychopathic elites playing chess with Darwinism. Survival of the fittest - which in today's age means who is smart and fully awake and aware.


Donnica Turner
Donnica Turner
21 oct. 2022

Please look into rso and seriously look into it.. Im a disabled Air Forcer veteran. I began having seizures as well at age 30. The doctors threw all kinds of drugs at me for the past ten years with it destroying my personality and still having seizures. I am now using cannabis oil called rick simpson oil. I can help you get it but Im not sure how you would contact me. I sincerely hope your seizures improve. Praying for you brother.

23 oct. 2022
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I echo the above advice. I hope that you can access RSO. It may not cure your condition, but at least it will give immediate relief for the seizures and pain that you are suffering from. Good Luck!


21 oct. 2022

Perhaps, these can give some assistance Glutathione, NAC, Zink, Vitamine D3... Bless you...
