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Sandy Moger

First Dose Pfizer on 08/10/2021

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

41 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I was very healthy, very active, happy and social

Q: What was your reason(s) for getting the vaccine?

I felt like I had to. I was hesitant because it was so new.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

In August 2021, I received my 2nd shot. Within 15 minutes, I had a bad headache that lasted for days. Within a month, I had a constant headache 24/7. By November, I was suffering from chronic migraines and was sent to the hospital for a CT scan by my Dr., which came back clear. While I was at the hospital, they had me on a IV drip of pain meds that did nothing to relieve that pain. These headaches I get don’t get relieved by medication. I have had an MRI which came back normal. I also have constant tinnitus and had vertigo for quite a few months. I also had very heavy periods for months after my vaccines and had a ruptured ovarian cyst (which I never had before). My blood now shows that Im low on Red blood cells and white blood cells.

Before this, I had occasional headaches and never have had a migraine in my life. By February 2022, I pretty much had a migraine every day and was diagnosed with Chronic Migraines by my neurologist. I went to a pain clinic and had pain injections once a week for 2 months which didn’t give me any relief. Ive had 4 rounds of Botox (50 injections per treatment), I get some sort of treatment 2-4 times a week (massage, osteopath, chiro etc), I have had my food intolerances tested, I got glasses, I take hundreds of dollars in supplements a month, and have tried many medications and not much helped. I have exhausted most of my savings just trying to get relief/better. My work and insurance company has paid out over $20,000 in treatments, time off work and medications in the last year and a half. My daily life is literally all about managing my pain. I cant handle loud noises, bright lights, motion, alcohol, certain foods, too much stimulation and no sleep, so I avoid going places/seeing people.

In July 2022, I started seeing a new naturopath who had experience with Vaccine injuries, and very slowly, I started seeing improvements. We worked on getting the inflammation down, which is helping. Im taking a lot of supplements and Intermittent Fasting daily. I am making progress and by January 2023, I was down to 5-8 migraines a month but still have a constant headache which fluctuates throughout the day and the tinnitus. Im hopeful that as more time goes by, I will get better. The last 1.5 years has been incredibly tough and exhausting. Getting the vaccine was the biggest mistake of my life.

Q: Have you had Covid before?

Yes, I had it twice. The first time was 8 months after my vaccine. I had minor symptoms and just felt tired. The second time was 14 months after my vaccine, I had a minor sore throat for a day.

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