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Samuel Argueta

First Dose of Moderna on 02/16/22


49 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

Hardworking husband and father. Love gardening and home improvement projects. Coached soccer.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

I really didn't want to, but I felt pressured by my job. Everyone else had it. People made comments about me being unvaccinated. We just wanted to make sure it was safe before we took it. How is that such a bad thing? And look what happened to me.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

I had an immediate burning reaction in my arm and a feeling of tingling in my lips and right side of my face. My heart was racing, and my throat felt like it was closing up. A few minutes later, I had a terrible itching on my arm. My wife was with me and told me not to worry, so we just went home.

By the time I got home I was so dizzy that I had to lay down in the family room. My head was pounding. It was evening, so I just slept down there and hoped to feel better in the morning. The fatigue was terrible.

The next day I had the most unexplainable feeling. It was like electroshocks shooting through my body. My head was still pounding. I was dizzy still, and my heart rate was elevated. I also felt what I can only call a twitching feeling inside. I thought maybe this was all normal, although my wife wasn't that bad. I hoped it would get better.

It didn't get better. I've had some better days, but I still have all of the same tingling and vibrations. I've gone to doctors and even the ER once. I had an EKG, CT scan, MRI, EMG, and lots of bloodwork that came back normal.

Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?

It's just not the same. I can do some work at home but haven't been back to the office. I can't coach soccer this year, and I've done that for years. Too fatigued. I never know when I'll be dizzy or the twitching will start again. My wife does all the driving now. This has hurt our family so much.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

My PCP had no idea what to do with me. The ER diagnosed me with Functional Neurological Disorder, but I know this isn't all in my head. I'm waiting to see a neurologist soon and hope to have more answers then.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

Only to my doctors and the ER so far.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

Not really. If I rest for a few days, I feel better. Every time I try to get back to my normal routine, the symptoms start again. I don't know what to do.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

People thought I was crazy for not getting the vaccine. Now they think I'm crazy because I'm injured. It's like a no-win situation.

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Real Not Rare does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. Anything contained on this website or conveyed in the blog stories or groups, is not substitute for adequate medical care, diagnosis, and/or treatment from a medical doctor. It is strongly recommended that prior to acting upon any information gleaned via Real Not Rare or their representatives, you at all times first consult a physician. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual being interviewed in each story, and do not necessarily reflect the position of Real, Not Rare as a whole.



Cat Parker
Cat Parker
Aug 11, 2022

Hey Samuel, I have an update. I have created two vax injury support groups. Facebook - (but they are coming after us and blocking & banning us every chance they get) I am working with TrialSite News and we have created an UNCENSORED Vax Injury Support Group It is in its infant stages, but we are working on it to be a place for support, resources, information, health professionals and so much more. I would love you to come over, check it out, and join. Sending prayers and hugs to you and keep your chin up! 😊


Jul 14, 2022


Jun 25, 2022

Samuel, please please please, promise us that from now on you are going to RESIST absolutely any pressure from the outside!! And make sure that anyone who is dear to you will do the same!! Now, you have written that you are soccer coach: Well, GET THE BALL and tell THEM ALL what has happened to you! Tell them! Coach them! Teach them the most important lessons they have to hear! You have learnt it the hard way and now you are ready to be The One! Give all your team members the speach that life is begging you to tell them! This is an essential speach coming from your own experience, from your own life!! And you must not…


Jun 20, 2022

I'm so sorry you are suffering. I am praying for divine reversal of the mRNA messenger in the vaxx, healing and restoration over each of you posted on this site!

Covid Long Haul / Vax Injury Info (she does online televisits and prescribes Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine)


Isaiah C Odiaka
Isaiah C Odiaka
Jun 19, 2022

Thank you for sharing your story brother, Samuel. Jesus is Lord. We thank God for your life!

I am sorry that you gave into the lie of the “effective and safe” vaccine. You were right to wait to see if it was safe. I pray we have received more wisdom the next time the government, media and pharmaceutical companies push another experimental vaccine. Many of us fell for that lie that was pushed by the government and media. I pray we all listen to our gut instinct and never be coerced into another experimental vaccine again in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Hope your wife is well. You mentioned she took the vaccine and her side effects was not as bad as…

Isaiah C Odiaka
Isaiah C Odiaka
Jun 23, 2022
Replying to

Amen my sister. Jesus is faithful. There is true healing power in the name of Jesus Christ but one must believe and have faith. I will keep testifying to everyone on this site. I pray we get more testimony of the healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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