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Renee Wise

First Dose of Pfizer on 01/04/21 Lot #EL1284

Second Dose of Pfizer on 01/25/21 Lot #EL3249


58 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I had a full, active life with no medical problems, and I was taking no medications. I worked full-time and enjoyed outdoor activities like hiking and spending time with family.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

I work in healthcare and I wanted to do my part to protect not only myself and my family, but my patients and coworkers.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

Two weeks after my second dose, I started experiencing muscle twitches, tremors, and electric shock sensations in my arms and legs and torso. About two weeks after that my symptoms worsened and I had difficulty walking, heart palpitations and a racing heartbeat, feeling faint when I would stand in one spot, and tinnitus. Over the course of the next few months, the electric shock sensations and muscle twitches and tremors worsened and I also have severe insomnia and anxiety (to the point of suicidal thoughts).

Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?

I don’t even feel like myself anymore. Not only has this ordeal taken a toll on me physically, but my mental health is suffering as well. I cannot physically enjoy any of the activities I did before and so I feel very isolated and alone. I can’t sleep and I feel like I am on the outside looking in at everyone else living life. It has caused me to be unable to work some days and has also cost me financially.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

I had numerous tests and have seen numerous doctors including: neurologists, hematologist, immunologist, Rheumatologist, Infectious Disease, physiatrist, and psychiatrist. Testing included: extensive bloodwork, MRIs of my C, T, L spine and brain, EMG studies, a bone marrow biopsy, salivary gland biopsy, small fiber nerve biopsy. I’ve tried gabapentin, prednisone, Cymbalta, physical therapy, none of which helped.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

I reported it to the VAERS website. I did get a call back from them telling me that someone else would be contacting me with further information but that was months ago and I haven’t heard anything.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

I have been using muscle relaxers for the spasms which do give me some relief with that but nothing else.

Q: Have you had Covid before? What was your experience if so?

I have never had Covid.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

I wish the CDC or FDA or SOMEONE Would at least acknowledge us. Before I found this website, I felt very alone and even had some doctors suggest I needed psychiatric help which is like throwing salt on a wound.


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