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Neguine Niktash

First Dose of Pfizer on 03/27/21 Lot #ER8731

Second Dose of Pfizer on 04/17/21 Lot #ER8732


33 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

Working as a musical artist/musician, music teacher and music therapist. I was relatively healthy, had some health concerns but nothing major. I did get the first strain of covid in March 2020. I had long haul symptoms, but nothing like what I have been experiencing for the past year now since these vaccines.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

I read articles about people recovering from long covid shortly after being vaccinated. I thought I would be a lucky one too. I should have listened to my gut feeling about getting that second dose.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

With the first dose, I felt regular flu symptoms and just unwell within the first few days. I did have a few episodes of palpitations and dizziness, but did not think much about it being a result of any vaccine issues. The 2nd dose was what really took me down. Within the first 15 minutes I felt a sinking feeling in my heart followed by butterflies. I thought it was my anxiety so I took a Lorazepam. About a week to 10 days later I had all sorts of issues from really bad palpitations, lightheadedness, dizziness, to shortness of breath, confusion, POTS symptoms, chest pains, arrhythmia, premature ventricular beats, feeling like I was having a heart attack or stroke many times, pulsing or feeling my heartbeat in my back, throughout my whole body, major fatigue, acid reflux, indigestion, adrenaline surges, crazy blood pressure spikes, burning in my veins and limbs, calf and muscle pains, horrible skin rashes, tinnitus. Some of these symptoms lasted for 6-7 months straight. As if these symptoms were not bad enough I started having really strange and painful neurological/nervous system issues two to three months after. These symptoms included nerve pains, burning and itchiness in limbs that spread throughout my body, bladder issues (urinary incontinence), sleep issues, nightmares, insomnia that lasted at least a month until they gave me an anxiety medication to help with sleep, brain fog, feeling like I have Alzheimer’s or Dementia, vertigo, brain zaps, worsening calf and muscle pains, tremors two night in a row, headaches, spasms throughout my body, pins and needles, numbness and tingling in limbs and fingers upon waking up, stroke like symptoms (left sided numbness and pain from my arm down to my legs, numbness and tingling on right side of my body), fuzzy feeling in my head, chronic pain, and hair loss. 1 year later post vaccines and I still have many of these symptoms. I notice they get worse with stress or doing activities without pacing. Every day is unknown. I wake up not knowing what other symptoms I will experience next. Some things come and go, some have stayed, some have worsened. Now I have intense pains from my lower back down to my feet, which I need to do more vascular and neurological tests for. I am pretty sure I have more issues that I forgot to mention. I wonder how I am still alive.

Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?

It is a living nightmare. I never imagined going downhill like this. I thought I was going to get better. I practically live in the clinic or hospitals. I wish I knew what these debilitating side effects would be. I would have never gone near those vaccines if I had known.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

My doctors keep saying this is my anxiety or stress related. Never in my 34 years of living have I ever had these kinds of symptoms. This is not anxiety and it is not made up! This stuff is real and I am tired of doctors gaslighting us.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

No where yet, I am too focused on trying to heal and get better first. I have only told the doctors about it, but they, like many people do not believe in vaccine injuries.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

Music and writing music about my experience, swimming or being in water, nature, acupuncture, taking 4 meds for high blood pressure, palpitations and anxiety/depression. To be honest the meds still are not helping much. That should be a red flag to doctors that something is clearly wrong and this is not due to anxiety or stress

Q: Have you had Covid before? What was your experience if so?

I have, in March 2020. It was a terrible experience and my CPAP machine saved my life, but those long haul symptoms I have had were nothing compared to what I am dealing with now due to the vaccines.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

Do a lot of research and wait before putting something foreign and new into your body. Every person is different. You never know what will happen to you. Stay safe, but be smart and really do your research. Listen to you gut!

Tell Your Vaccine Injury or Success Story Here:


Real Not Rare does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. Anything contained on this website or conveyed in the blog stories or groups, is not substitute for adequate medical care, diagnosis, and/or treatment from a medical doctor. It is strongly recommended that prior to acting upon any information gleaned via Real Not Rare or their representatives, you at all times first consult a physician. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual being interviewed in each story, and do not necessarily reflect the position of Real, Not Rare as a whole.



Cat Parker
Cat Parker
Aug 11, 2022

Hey Neguine, I have an update. I have created two vax injury support groups. Facebook - (but they are coming after us and blocking & banning us every chance they get)

I am working with TrialSite News and we have created an UNCENSORED Vax Injury Support Group It is in its infant stages, but we are working on it to be a place for support, resources, information, health professionals and so much more. I would love you to come over, check it out, and join. Sending prayers and hugs to you and keep your chin up! 😊


Jul 14, 2022


Cat Parker
Cat Parker
Jun 19, 2022

Neguine, I just want you to know you are not alone. As a fellow vaccine injured victim, I created a FB support group. If you need anything, please let me know. I hope to help as many people as I can just like us through support, resources, education, and anything else to help them through this journey with so many others that I am bringing together to support those like us. Sending prayers and hugs. Cat


May 07, 2022

Your song and story brought tears to my eyes. You are truly a wonderful artist and my heart breaks for you and all the ones suffering due to the real 'mis-information' out there. The fact that these stories are being censored alone is enough to know who is lying. Praying for your healing and hoping both your story and music goes global!

May 07, 2022
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Thank you so much for your kind words 🙏❤️


May 07, 2022

Another horrible experience! Hang in there Neguine 😊. May your body find some real healing and relief. Perhaps, look at the information from the FLCCC alliance, if you have not already.

I have only told the doctors about it, but they, like many people do not believe in vaccine injuries.

These are dangerous people unfortunately. Both the quacks, and the 'low information' "I love science" types, that help drive vaccine mandates and vaccine passports 😫. The road to hell is paved by a brainwashed "science" cult with good intentions (and profits on the corporate side). The corruption in science goes well beyond the medical field. Scientific corruption is a dangerous pandemic we face. Beware ! I've been listening to the…

May 07, 2022
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Thank you 🙏

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