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Mallory Flank

First Dose of Moderna on 05/14/21

Norris Beach, Alberta; Canada

37 yrs old

Mallory has opted-in to be contactable by the public and other vaccine injured. No hateful emails or you will be banned. Her email is You can also find her on instagram at

UPDATE ON 02/20/2023:

I am still quite sick. Unfortunately, my condition has deteriorated and I will be getting a central inserted again on Wednesday. I have been officially diagnosed with Post-Vaccine Reaction Syndrome and continue to be the “worst” vaccine reaction anyone has ever seen. That being said, not many specialists are willing to take the deep dive in to help. It is hard knowing that this is a permanent disability. I am so thankful for my family, my amazing partner (who has lost several jobs and withdrew from medical school-solely to look after me), and my two daughters who refer to this condition as being “just a part” of me. They are no longer afraid and whip out epi-pens like crazy-awesome magicians. Because my vaccine reaction was removed from the provincial system, it was not relayed to Moderna. They are now aware of the situation and my new GP (found via Human Rights lawyer) is filling them in on the medical component. It is only through mistakes and negative outcomes, that we truly learn. I have yet to understand why so many physicians opted to not help or cause harm, rather than assist and try to remedy. As a human and a healthcare professional-being the cause of irreversible harm isn’t something I would ever consider doing. I am not a lab rat-I am a person-I have a family and a life. I have helped bring lives into this world and helped them take their first breath. My hands have helped save lives. I have wrapped my arms around strangers, holding them as they took their last breath. And with all of that-knowing the delicate thread that life truly is, I could never experiment or withhold treatment, knowing the harm it would cause.

Being like this is a massive struggle financially. I am still waiting for assistance through the Vaccine Injury Support Program, since it takes up to two years to be approved for disability. Right now I am having to relocate to a house in the same area, since I have had multiple, uncontrolled exposures to triggers in the apartment building we decided to try (after being told that they were “isolated” units). I am struggling to find sponsored training for my service dog in-training. I have been told that I need to pay upwards of $10,000.00 out of pocket to finish off his training. It does not seem to matter to anyone that I would be dead right now if my family didn’t take me in. I’ve been told to look into MAID because my overall cost to live with these conditions are “too expensive”. I didn’t realize that on Alberta’s and Canada’s scale-my life isn’t worth the balance. Regardless, we continue to fight tooth and nail, every single day.


Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I had just finished a two year contract in the Middle East as rotor casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) for operations in and around the area. I was a Critical Care Paramedic and medical lead for our team. I was extremely outgoing, active, healthy, very fit (training for physique competitions) and attending medical school at night. I spend all of my off-time with my two beautiful girls, running around, playing, having crazy sleep-over parties with their friends. My girls were proud of me and were excited that I was going to become a Paediatrician.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

There were several reasons: first and foremost was to protect my children as much as I could. The second was that, as a healthcare professional, I am responsible to both my patients and to myself to be a safe as possible.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

I had an anaphylactic reaction within 10 minutes of administration of the vaccine. Full-blown hives; hoarse voice; cough; stridor; with tongue, face, and neck swelling. I had a series of biphasic reactions followed by a dramatic increase in random things that I am now "allergic to". To this day, I am suffering from daily anaphylactic, sometimes mast-cell attacks that generally require epinephrine. The initial reactions were nowhere in comparison to what happens now- I am just used to it.

Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?

Life...there isn't one. I have to live in a bubble. I am allergic to almost everything. My weight can fluctuate a lot in a day due to swelling and bloating. I have to wear specialized masks, use hospital-grade air purifiers in order to breathe. I haven't been able to see or hold my children in over 9 months. My partner and I cannot have a relationship. We have lost everything- our children; our careers; our home; and are about to lose our vehicle. We have spent everything we have trying to get this controlled. I am immunocompromised but seen as an anti-vaxxer, even though I'm not one. I have been unable to get financial support; medical support; home care; etc.. I have exercise-induced anaphylaxis. I cannot paint- I am allergic to the brushes and the paints themselves. I have a severely restricted diet, but because I have difficulty swallowing, I have to puree what I eat. Even then, I still choke on it. Close your eyes for a second and imagine what it is like to have your neck, face, and tongue swell daily to the point of choking. I am in constant pain. Because of the GI issues, I cannot absorb my medication which leads to more severe reactions.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

Medical care- as a Canadian, I am seriously disgusted at what has happened. I was only treated appropriately when the physician understood and knew our healthcare backgrounds. And that was only one physician. I was tossed to psychiatry numerous times, only to be cleared and have the doctors told that this is definitely not in my head. We were pushed to get medical help from a private centre. Over $100,000 later and we are still no farther forward. To top that one off, the other physicians will not accept his labs results and tests. I have a test from Germany that SHOWS I am allergic to the COVID antibody, not the excipients. Yet, no one will listen. I finally went back in to the ER after a horrible experience in Ontario under the care of "MTCU", who managed to not only make it worse, but also caused loss of vision/hearing/memory after withdrawing all of my medication for 24 hours without consent. At this ER, the doctor understood. EMS was wonderful taking me there. Now, over a year later, he is trying to kickstart Internal Medicine to quarterback Hematology and Immunology. The sad part is the treatment was known right from the beginning. They could have treated with plasmapheresis and left no ongoing damage. Now...I am begging them for plasmapheresis and Imatinib.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

My reaction was apparently reported on the provincial system. It was never reported nationally. The response from it: "come into my clinic if you're that worried, and I will watch as the pharmacist gives you two small doses of the vaccine." This is as I was still having ongoing anaphylaxis- not much has changed. Just upgraded to 15 medications rather than 10 and an additional 12 supplements.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

The medications and supplements barely keep it controlled. I am getting worse. Because I cannot absorb the medication, it provides minimal relief. Ivermectin helped when we were still able to get it, further proving that it was indeed, the protein on the antibody. Since we cannot get Ivermectin anymore, the control we once had is gone.

Q: Have you had Covid before? What was your experience if so?

I have never had COVID before, I have been told that I am at high risk of severe, if not fatal disease.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

Everyone should do what is right for them. Getting the vaccine was what I thought was right for me. I am angry and will not be able to have some form of peace, until this is finally treated for what it is, not for the symptoms it causes. As a very wise doctor said (and this is where our mistake must have happened) "If you do everything to help yourself, we will not help you. But, if you do nothing to help yourself, we will do everything we can to save you."

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Real Not Rare does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. Anything contained on this website or conveyed in the blog stories or groups, is not substitute for adequate medical care, diagnosis, and/or treatment from a medical doctor. It is strongly recommended that prior to acting upon any information gleaned via Real Not Rare or their representatives, you at all times first consult a physician. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual being interviewed in each story, and do not necessarily reflect the position of Real, Not Rare as a whole.




I get paid over 190$ per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I’ve been doing..



Cat Parker
Cat Parker

Mallory, I am so sorry this happened to you too. 😥I had J&J on 04/21 & Pfizer on 11/21. My health is destroyed. I was mandated to get mine for job & travel. I have chronic inflammation, pseudoparkinsonism, narcolepsy, dysautonomia, sleep apnea, tremors, migraines, tinnitus, EBV, and the list goes on and most of the adverse reactions and diseases came after the Pfizer jab. The J&J caused chronic insomnia and fatigue in the beginning. I have chronic bleeding & blood clots from it (rectal). Can't figure out what is wrong. I am a former Police Officer & EMT. I left along time ago, but I could not longer perform EMT work or basic functions at work anymore. I lost …


There ARE answers
There ARE answers

I hope the following will serve you well.

1.) Get uncensored information.

(Our medical system is going through something right now. Censorship. Gas-lighting.)

So, here some things the emperors with no clothes don't want you to know about…

A.) The Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance:

B.) This guy fills in some holes in above protocol.

See also:

C.) Dr. Bryan Ardis is a sharp guy, known for figuring out / finding out stuff no one else does.

D.) This is a link to one of the nations leading experts on "Ozone therapy". I have corresponded personally with him. He is reporting good results treating people with vaccine injury.

Based on his…


