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Jefflin Breuer

First Dose of Moderna in 01/2021

Second Dose of Moderna in 02/2021

Third Dose of Moderna in 11/2021

Washington State

50 yrs old

Jefflin has opted-in to be contactable by the public and other vaccine injured. No hateful emails or you will be banned. Her email is

Update on 07/12/22:

I’m currently bedridden and on some very serious medications for inflammatory myositis caused by my immune system response to the vaccine.

Original Interview on 5/11/22:

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I was active, working as a nanny and homesteading 5 acres. I danced and walked everyday, taking care of two toddlers and just living my life.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

I believe in science and I did it to protect myself and my family from the virus.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

After the first dose I got very sick with chills, pain, and a high fever. I was weak for a month after. I got a swollen lymph node in my armpit and a rash all over my chest and neck. A few days after, I realized I couldn’t put my right arm behind my back to unhook my bra. My joints were aching and painful. I had dizzy spells that kept me from standing up. I got my second dose and same reaction, very sick with a fever and chills. From that point I just felt weak and tired. I started falling down, my knees just gave out. I couldn’t sit on the ground and get up without help, and climbing stairs became very difficult. That summer I was very tired and thought I was getting heat stroke. I was still falling often. I then started to have a hard time getting up from chairs. This was during a surge in Covid cases so I did a few telehealth appointments and nothing came of those. I became less and less mobile. I felt extremely run down and my hair started falling out in clumps. I asked my doc for a blood panel for thyroid stuff and found out my thyroid was low. In September I started thyroid meds. In November I had my booster and it knocked me out. I was so sick after that, I asked my doctor for a blood panel for inflammation. That’s when I found out my creatinine kinase was 5000 and my muscles were breaking down. I went in to a local ER and they asked me when I’d had the booster. I told them and they told me that the vaccine is doing this to people. I had more blood work that showed I have Hashimoto’s and elevated liver enzymes. Things just got worse from there and in March of 2022 my CK levels went up to 9000 and I lost the ability to walk. I’m still bedbound and am waiting to see a rheumatologist to get a diagnosis of what they suspect is polymyositis.

Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?

I’m just here. I can’t participate in life the way I did before. I’m stuck in bed wondering if I’ll ever walk again. I’m hopeful but also it’s overwhelming and exhausting to be in this state.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

I’m lucky to have a naturopath that listens to me. My PCP has listened to me and ordered tests that I needed to figure things out.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

When telling my doctors, they believe it is related to the vaccine.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

I started taking low dose naltrexone and prednisone. I’m not sure how much I’ve improved. It’s slow going and I’ve only been on meds a short time.

Q: Have you had Covid before? What was your experience if so?

I haven’t had Covid.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

I wish I had known the danger and had more information about side effects and that we’d been given the truth.

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Real Not Rare does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. Anything contained on this website or conveyed in the blog stories or groups, is not substitute for adequate medical care, diagnosis, and/or treatment from a medical doctor. It is strongly recommended that prior to acting upon any information gleaned via Real Not Rare or their representatives, you at all times first consult a physician. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual being interviewed in each story, and do not necessarily reflect the position of Real, Not Rare as a whole.