First Dose of Pfizer on 10/08/21
Murrieta, California
29 yrs old
Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?
Fast-paced. I've been an Air Traffic Controller for 7 years with the FAA. Now I cannot medically do my job. I cannot recall rules and thoughts fast enough to keep planes safe anymore. I got the shot to keep my job, and now it's costing me my job, my health, and the way I used to live my life.
Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?
I'm a federal employee, and I got the vaccine to keep my job after the mandate.
Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?
I immediately had chest pains, shortness of breath and dizziness. 3 days later I noticed memory problems and brain function issues. It's been 7 months, and I've shown little improvement.
Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?
Now I stay at home and do nothing most days.
Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:
I've been diagnosed with Dysautonomia/POTS.
Before that, I was first misdiagnosed with anxiety, depression, and MIS-C.
Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?
VAERS, I got a 3 month follow-up paper.
Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?
Lots of salt and compression tights
Q: Have you had Covid before?
Q: What do you wish others knew?
The first doctor you go to isn't always going to be right. Keep trying doctors until your satisfied. I went to about 35 in 6 months.
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Hey Hayley, I have an update. I have created two vax injury support groups. Facebook - (but they are coming after us and blocking & banning us every chance they get)
I am working with TrialSite News and we have created an UNCENSORED Vax Injury Support Group It is in its infant stages, but we are working on it to be a place for support, resources, information, health professionals and so much more. I would love you to come over, check it out, and join. Sending prayers and hugs to you and keep your chin up! 😊
I'm so sorry you are suffering. I am praying for divine healing and restoration over each of you posted on this site!
Covid Long Haul / Vax Injury Info (she does online televisits and prescribes Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine)
Hayley, I just want you to know you are not alone. As a fellow vaccine injured victim, I created a FB support group. If you need anything, please let me know. I hope to help as many people as I can just like us through support, resources, education, and anything else to help them through this journey with so many others that I am bringing together to support those like us. Sending prayers and hugs. Cat
Why go back to those who injured you? They are not going to fix it. Natural health may. Supplements, Ketosis, fasting, cold/heat exposure, breathing such as HRV, Wim Hof, etc. Your body can heal itself especially if you give it what it needs (the right supplements) and stop giving it things that get in the way (non-organic foods, sugar, carbs, chemicals like perfumes or cosmetics)