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Doug Cameron, Farms Operations Coordinations Manager

First Dose of J&J on 04/05/21 Lot #1805020


Doug and Carla Cameron have opted-in to be contactable by the public and other vaccine injured. No hateful emails or you will be banned. Their email is

Doug's Capitol Speech Nov 2, 2021:

Doug's Rally Speech Nov 2, 2021:

Doug's Interview With Real Not Rare:

What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

My life was very good. I was a healthy, physically active 64 year old. I had a great job working for someone else. My wife Carla and I have been married for 38 years. My wife and I had our own small farm and a herd of cattle. We had just bought a new herd sire bull and were excited to increase our cattle herd. Our son is married with 2 children, ages 4 and 7. The grandkids were coming for the summer. We had a family trip planned to Stanley, Idaho. I was looking forward to teaching the grandkids about life on the farm. I have lived in Idaho for 53 years and worked in agriculture for over 40 years. I was a Farms Operations Coordination Manager for 15 years. Before that I worked as a Farmer/Rancher at the same place for 25 years. This has been a lifestyle that I have loved for as long as I can remember. We had a busy life working on our our own farm and helping others. Just before I received the vaccine, the days were getting longer which meant I had more time to work on our dreams as soon as I got home from working on somebody else's dream. To me, work is not work if you love what you do, it is a lifestyle. I love raising our cattle and watching our grandchildren grow.

What was your reaction, symptoms and timeline?

I received the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccination at my workplace. I was encouraged by my employer that I get the vaccine.

I started experiencing neurological reactions a day after receiving the vaccine, which included loss of bladder, numbness from waist to knees, erectile dysfunction, and a painful "cinching" sensation in the hip area. Over the next few days my symptoms worsened and became alarming.

On day five, I went to the emergency room due to those persisting symptoms, and explained that I had gotten the vaccine and what was happening. That visit led to an MRI, which resulted insignificant. I requested a COVID test and was denied due to not having symptoms. I eventually ended up getting a test, which came back positive. I was sent home. Three days after that, I told my wife it felt like I just drank poison and my whole body felt different.

Moving on to 10 days after receiving the shot, I woke up in the middle of the night experiencing paralysis from the diaphragm down (legs were ice cold). I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and ended up staying in the medical setting for a 105 day battle. This lengthy period of time included two weeks in ICU, a month in the hospital, and two months in rehabilitation (two facilities - Idaho & Utah).

They (doctors) told me that I was "one in a million" and they had never seen anyone with the symptoms that I was experiencing. They were perplexed by the combination of the blood clot in my leg, swollen spinal cord, and what seemed to be a spinal cord stroke. After hundreds of tests, two weeks of being on a ventilator after aspirating on water, long hours of different treatments (i.e. steroids, plasmapheresis, IVIG), and working with a variety of comprehensive medical teams, I am left paralyzed from the chest down.

The medical profession was puzzled with an actual diagnosis for my condition and considered ADIP, Guillain Barre, and Transverse Myelitis. My current diagnosis is Transverse Myelitis due to a blood clot & hemorrhage from a spinal cord stroke.

What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?

My life has completely turned upside down. Life as I knew it before was gone! I am no longer employed and am not able to take care of farm duties. I am juggling medical and therapeutic appointments during the week to help me acclimate to my new lifestyle of being paralyzed.

Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received?

Over the past eight months, I have worked with countless medical entities and professionals. There are two things that stand out from my overall experience.

  1. The medical teams appear to deliberate on a cause for my condition in a long-winded, back-and-forth manner, but will not write it out in a transparent way on medical documentation when the vaccine is in question. For example, we have worked with doctors that allude to the vaccine being the reason that I am paralyzed, but will not put it in writing.

  2. I am perplexed by the lack of collaboration and utilization of resources from a larger medical audience. It seems that the brainstorming and problem solving is fixed on being 'in-house' instead of advocating for knowledge and research from other reputable professionals in the world.

All total, I have had multiple MRI’s, CAT Scans, EKG’s, Xray’s, spinal angiograms, spinal taps, autoimmune blood tests, and muscle biopsies for everything to comeback negative in the attempt of trying to pin my paralysis on my own body and not the J & J vaccine.

Where has your reaction been reported, and what was the response?

Initially, Carla and I reached out to every senator and congress member of Idaho. We received minimal response (estimated 1%) from those individuals. In addition, we reached out to VAERS and Johnson & Johnson and did not receive a response from either.

Subsequently, we were connected with non-profit organizations. The individuals at Idaho Freedom Fighters and C19VaxReaction have been genuinely kind, interested, and supportive. I was invited to join them at a Roundtable in Washington D.C. This focused on federal vaccine mandates and provided opportunities to those adversely impacted by the vaccine to share their story.

Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

My symptoms haven't improved at all from day one to present. The two things that have truly helped me have included the support of positive people in my life and the power of prayer. I am grateful for every family member, friend, and stranger that has taken time to think of me and my family.

What do you wish others knew, or what else would you like to share?

I wish that I would have had a COVID test before the shot. And to this day, I think that everyone should have one before they have the vaccine. I also wish that there was government support for those individuals adversely impacted by the vaccine.

Today, I am an unemployed paraplegic who is learning a whole new lifestyle. And the only thing I did between full health and my current condition is take the shot! I am real. My symptoms are real. And my life has forever changed… THAT IS REAL



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