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Danice Hertz, MD

First Dose of Pfizer on 12/23/20 lot #EK5730

Los Angeles, California

Danice's Video Interview (credit

Danice's Real Not Rare Interview:

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I retired from practicing gastroenterology for 33 years, 3 months prior to getting the vaccine. I was looking forward to having a less stressful life. I have always worked hard, managed my household, cooked and gardened, cared for my dogs. I was high energy and never sat down.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

30 minutes after receiving the vaccine, my face started burning and I felt faint. The paramedics were called and my blood pressure was 180/127. Within 24 hours, I developed profound fatigue, no appetite, burning numbness in my face, scalp, tongue, eyes and limbs, a tight constricting band around my chest, blurred vision, internal vibrations, tremors, twitching, dizziness, imbalance, chest pain and shortness of breath. My heart pounded hard and fast in my chest. I was bedridden for a week. I felt severely anxious and felt like I was dying. I had difficulty thinking and speaking. I also had attacks of severe vibrations and burning pain through my head and body that felt like electrocution and lasted several hours. They were unbearable. I did not think I could endure these symptoms. These attacks occurred frequently. I eventually was able to get out of bed. I also developed severe pain in parts of my body that had been injured in the past. My knee, elbow and one of my toes that were all broken previously ached intensely: I have been very ill for almost 11 months now with the same symptoms as above albeit somewhat milder, in addition to loud tinnitus that came on several weeks later. My energy has improved but is still low and I get winded easily. The vibrations and paresthesias are at times severe and bring me to tears. The episodes that feel like being electrocuted are less frequent but still occur. I have never had a moment without these symptoms.

Q: What was your life like after you got the vaccine?

I have gone from being an active healthy person to an invalid overnight. I am very depressed and traumatized by this horrible experience. I spend most of my life now on the sofa. I cannot care for my family. I am very sedentary and weak. I am very deconditioned. Minimal exertion exhausts me. I cry a lot fearing I will not recover.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

I saw many physicians in Los Angeles as well as specialists across the country and at the NIH (virtually). I sought out the best specialists in Los Angeles and none had heard of such a reaction or knew what to do. Frankly, I don’t think most even believed me. I felt like I had to fight hard to be believed and acknowledged. I was so ill and begging for help, which I still have yet to find. I had many tests, MRI’s, EMG, skin biopsies, blood and urine tests, which were normal. My heart looked enlarged on MRI of the spine and on chest X-ray. This was a new finding. I had an echocardiogram 4 months before the vaccine and my heart looked normal. My EKG showed new changes from a year prior. No specific treatment was recommended. Several courses of steroids did not help. I tried Gabapentin with minimal relief.

Eventually, a tryptase was elevated and I was diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. I was placed on many drugs for this which did not help. Also, I was found to have a small IgA paraprotein. I had abnormal flow cytometry with CD4:CD8 ratio of 12. I also had transient mild elevations of my liver tests and renal function tests which then normalized.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

I have reported my reaction 8 times to VAERS, multiple times to Pfizer and VSafe with no response. I received packets to fill out from Pfizer and have filled them out 3 times and sent them in. They have subsequently sent me the same packet four more times to fill out which I have not. My case was presented at the CDC grand rounds on March 24, 2021. They felt I had MCAS and could not conclude that the vaccine caused my illness.

I have been outspoken about my reaction. I was written about on Children’s Health Defense newsletter. I was interviewed on an Israeli radio news show. I have written many emails to directors of the FDA, NIH, CDC, Pfizer. They refuse to acknowledge our reactions. I was on a zoom meeting with the FDA. It was scheduled with Peter Marks but he sent someone to represent him. It went nowhere. I wrote comments about my reaction for the FDA meetings to approve boosters and the vaccines for children. I wrote a statement about my reaction for a complaint filed by attorney Aaron Siri to all the regulatory agencies and vaccine manufacturers. I have written many comments following journal articles. I manage a private group of injured and field requests for help from injured people across the globe every day.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

I have tried steroids, H1 and H2 blockers, Claritin, Pepcid, Singulair, Doxepin, Gabapentin, Inderal, Cromolyn, luteolin, black seed oil, alpha lipoic acid, curcumin, magnesium, Vitamin B’s, C, D, Zinc Quercetin, Astaxathin, Milk thistle, coQ10, N Acetyl cysteine, Ivermectin, Pravastatin, aspirin, DAO supplements, PEA. I have tried to adhere to a low histamine diet. Nothing has been helping me.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

I wish those who refuse to acknowledge the vaccine injured could experience what we are going through. This includes all of those who run the FDA, CDC, NIH, vaccine manufacturers. Maybe then will they act to help us and fund research to come up with the cause of our reactions and how to treat us. I wish we can be seen, heard and believed, and not vilified or falsely labeled as being antivax conspiracy theorists just because we have been made sick from the covid vaccines.

Danice's letter to Janet Woodcock in December of 2021:

Dr. Woodcock,

Happy holidays. Hope your holidays are wonderful! Here is a little gift that you can peruse over the holidays. This website should be studied carefully:

There are profiles of 100’s of vaccine injured on this website that you can read about. My profile is there as well. These injured are representative of the multitude of vaccine injured who will not have enjoyable holidays due to severe illness caused by the vaccines. They are doubly injured because they cannot find medical care or treatment. We have lost too many to suicide. I thought you would like to know about us. I have tried to make you aware of us in the past. We don’t understand why you won’t acknowledge these injuries, educate the medical community and fund research to help us recover. Maybe something can be done to help all of these suffering Americans in the new year. Imagine if you were one of us, how you would feel? Reading about us may give you a better idea.


Danice Hertz MD


7 Kommentare

16. Aug. 2022

How are you doing these days, Dr. Hertz, and has your condition improved? I was also wondering if you've tried hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I don't see it among the treatments you'd tried.

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Miranda Bri
Miranda Bri
05. Juli 2022

Sorry to hear your situation; however from the onset of these supposed "vaccines" i was SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS FOR NOBODY TO TAKE THEM!!! However for the most part i was said to be some crazy guy holding a sign outside of a major hospital!...... the people just looked and laughed. But my Lord Jesus Christ told me not to take the TOXON and as it turns out....... He was RIGHT TO THE GLORY OF ALMIGHTY GOD!!! Not to mention the Fact that wouldn't something just like covid and the "vaccines" be a perfect way to commit GENOCIDE........... SADLY I THINK WE'RE GOING TO FIND OUT SOONER THAN LATER!!


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27. Nov. 2021

Yes, thank you for standing up for others and putting yourself out there. It cannot be easy. Don't lose heart, keep fighting! We need you..

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22. Nov. 2021

Thank you for sharing, it had to be hard to find out how difficult it is to be believed with an adverse reaction to the v. I know I have had some similar experiences with a more rare disease which was diagnosed as anxiety for the longest time. I just hope that doctors really do learn to listen to their patients better and say they don't know when they don't.

Do you have any updates?

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05. Dez. 2021
Antwort an

I wish I could say I am better, but I am not. We as a group continue to be ignored by the FDA, CDC and mainstream media. There is starting to be some interest in us by researchers and we hope this awareness will continue and grow.

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13. Nov. 2021

Thank you for all you have done and are doing to be a voice for those who can't or don't know how to speak.

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