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Dan Glassman

First Dose of Pfizer on 10/18/21 Lot #FE3592

New York City, New York

44 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I worked full-time actively, volunteered for many non-profit organizations, did DIY work around the house, and enjoyed time with my wife and four young kids.

I had a very busy schedule and managed to do everything on my plate, plus more. We loved going on day trips around the tri-state area for fun and doing activities with the kids. These times were great, and we enjoyed/loved every moment.

And I was able to do the simple chores around the house, like taking out the garbage or bringing in the groceries, or cooking a meal.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

Work mandated

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

I did not have any of these issues before October '21. My situation and symptoms started after receiving the COVID vaccine on October 28, 2021, at the hospital outpatient center. Within an hour of receiving the shot, I began to experience an extreme headache. I stayed longer at the hospital outpatient center to be monitored in the waiting room. I left after 2 hours, and when I reached home, the room felt like I was still moving, like riding a train.

The symptoms started to progress, and within weeks I began to experience pain in my extremities and difficulty walking and balancing myself. These symptoms began to impede my life.

My current list of symptoms are:

  • Severe headache/pressure in the head

  • Severe vertigo

  • Burning/tingling numbness throughout the body

  • Severe pain in the spine and extremities

  • Unsteadiness/loss of balance

  • Physical exhaustion

I went to my primary doctor's office, and the office prescribed me prednisone at a high to a low dose for ten days, but it did not help. The office referred me to see a neurologist for examination.

In December, I had two MRIs taken for the Brain and Cervical Spine with and without contrast for review. And recently, I took an additional MRI for the Brain and Cervical Spine with and without contrast. There are some concerns for additional review for minor syringomyelia and stenosis. On top of all this, I was also diagnosed with thyroid disease, and I do not have any family history of this; Hashimoto's. This came up from the recent MRIs.

The symptoms increased over time, and moving around became very difficult. I remained working at home, because it is now difficult to travel and harmful if I fell down. And now I need to walk around with a cane to help me balance. I cannot even do the simple chores or go on any day trips, as we did before the shot. I try to spend time with the kids, but we are limited with the activities, due to my inability to be mobile. My wife has taken over the chores I used to do around the house. I can now see this putting a toll on my wife and kids, where my kids are seeing that we cannot do DIY projects around the house, like future renovation of the basement for the playroom; life has changed. I have to push myself to do activities where I can sit with them and deal with the symptoms; things have been very hard.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

VAERS - ID #1981858

Q: Are there any treatments we should know about that helped or hurt your health?

I have been seeing a holistic nutritionist and acupuncturist. This is slowing down the symptoms but has not stopped or reversed them. And I have been going to PT but still no improvements.

Q: Have you had Covid before?

Never had COVID

Q: What do you wish others knew?

I wish the public were aware of all the adverse reactions that were not disclosed until recently.

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I'm so sorry you are experiencing such pain and alterations in health!! Please check out the Medical Medium/Anthony William for lots of healing and hope on how to get toxins and hidden viruses out of our bodies. He has books at the library and info online. Plant based and low fat diet with a few supplements may slowly help your body heal. Cilantro, Hawaiian Spirulina, barley grass powder, detox heavy metal smoothies, & low fat diet is the key. Praying you find healing!!


Unknown member
Oct 17, 2022

Thank you sir for your story. We need more MEN to step up and discuss the damage that is occurring with the public. Our women and children are being harmed and too many men have too much PRIDE to say they have been violated. The WOMEN have taken the majority of the burden and this infuriates me. We have to protect our family or shoulder this issue to help our wives and kids. Thank you again.

Dec 06, 2022
Replying to

It may be that men are less willing to come forward and speak out, however it would appear the shots were designed specifically to target women's reproductive organs as the Japanese biodistribution study showed (high concentration of spike protein in the ovaries); additionally, there is a component targeting syncytin - which is involved in placental formation. The astronomically high rates of miscarriage and unusual heavy bleeding is no accident, either. It would appear the shots are probably more heavily weighed towards women by design, because this is a sterilisation program among many other things. Nazi Germany all over again! So much for "never again"!!!


"I believe in science" they say, whilst turning their backs on data they don't want to see. Propaganda works unfortunately. What a rough ride Dan! I hope your body makes some recovery from this travesty.


Oct 16, 2022

Thanks for telling your story, Dan. I am very sad that you and your family have been harmed. Several in my family have been harmed, as well.

please visit the FLCCC for excellent advice on ways to mitigate symptoms. 😊
