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Brian Williams

First Dose of Pfizer on 02/17/21 Lot #EL9264

Second Dose of Pfizer on 03/10/21 Lot #EN6199

New York

31 yrs old

painted portrait credit: @covidvictimsportraits on instagram

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

My life was great I would work over time continuously and I was able to function normally I was extremely healthy, happy and had a positive outlook on life.

Q: Would you like to share your reasons for getting vaccinated?

I got the vaccine because I thought there was a limited supply. I was asked if I wanted to get it and I can get it early, in case supplies run out. I said ok. I was working so much and so many hours I was not thinking straight and I should have just thought about this first before getting it. I highly regret this everyday. I was also informed two of my nursing friends got it, and I thought I would be ok.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

My reaction after the V was a serious headache. Then 6 months later is when all hell broke loose. I started to get internal vibrations inside my body for months. I could not control them. The only thing that helped was MABs. Then I also got tinnitus in my left ear and burning eye sensation. The internal tremors were very alarming and made it almost impossible to sleep.

Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?

I’m not me anymore, I barley can work, I barley get out of bed, and I’m terrified of what I did to myself. I’m petrified and honestly just wish I had died from this. If I’m being honest I really just want to die, because my life is terrible. I’m miserable, and I had everything before this shot. I’m not the same and this was the biggest mistake of my life.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

I was told I have Lymes disease by my general practitioner. I was also told by my Lymes disease specialist after treating me for Lymes that my Lymes got worse. I’m on Lymes disease medicine. I’m also talking to FLCCC doctors who have given me ivermectin, atorovastatin, aspirin and many other drugs including monoclonal antibodies and hydroxycloroquine. Other doctors I have seen include ENT audiologist, Neurologist multiple and they did MRIs with and without contrast. They can’t figure out what’s wrong with me, and say I have anexiety. That’s it, and they refer me to a phycologist. My parents also have no idea what I’m going through and don’t understand. No one listens. I have seen multiple disease specialists and other doctors as well.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

My symptoms were never reported.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

My tremors improved with the use of MABs. I was able to get ivermectin and it would subside the tremors - but they would come back. After the MABs I have been good for a while with the tremors. Now the only thing I still deal with on a regular basis is tinnitus and burning eyes. It sucks.

Q: Have you had Covid before? What was your experience if so?

I only got Covid in December of 2022 which was after I got vaccinated. It was the worst experience ever. Not because I had symptoms from Covid but it heightened all my other symptoms that I got from the shot, including increased tremors and higher pitch tinnitus and extreme eye burning. I was only able to receive monoclonal antibodies after I got covid.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

Don’t ever get these shots ever. Quit your job. Don’t associate with anyone forcing them on you. Avoid it at all costs.


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