First Dose of Moderna on 08/14/21 Lot #027CZIA
San Jose, California
Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?
I was an active adult living my best life . Playing basketball twice a week, soccer once a week, 20 plus mile mountain bike rides twice a week. I climbed and hiked mountains, spending weeks at a time in the wilderness. Snow boarder, wake boarder, I was very active. I had no health issues. Most importantly I was an active father to my 3 children and wife of 19 years.
Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?
Immediately after I took the first dose of Moderna I was nauseous and light headed. The nurse had to provide gator aid and a snack. I went home and woke up with heart palpitations on August 19 and tight chest pains. I couldn’t take pain and discomfort anymore so I went to the ER on August 26 and spent two days there. My symptoms worsened with muscle aching and sore muscles like I worked out hard when I had not, heart palpitations every day, tight chest, and my sternum hurt. Then the body tremors started all day and all night on September 1st. I had a squeezing feeling around my neck and constant headaches. My eye sight got worse.
Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?
I had to take a break from most of my active activities because I feel I have gotten worse. I don’t sleep well. I have strange onset anxiousness. I’m irritable. I have flare ups. I pray for days where I can find some relief. Some days are unbearable.
Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:
Went to the ER on August 26, spent two days. Had blood test , ekg, echo. They didn’t find anything. My primary doctor said I was having anxiety which I never had in my life. I wore a heart monitor for two weeks and it took 5 weeks to get the results only after my wife made an appointment with my primary care doctor. He then admitted I was having heart issues and referred me to a cardiologist. I had a heart MRI which confirmed I was diagnosed with both myocarditis and pericarditis . My body tremors or other reactions have not been diagnosed. It’s like pulling teeth for my health care system to help me.
Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?
I don’t know. Kaiser said they reported the reaction however the number they provided me did not come up as my reaction in VAERS . Also my primary care doctor at Kaiser never heard of VAERS reporting until my wife mentioned to him after my reaction and diagnoses. I still don’t know to this day.
Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?
Chiropractor care. Clean diet. No caffeine, alcohol or sugar. Just helps lesson the flare ups.
Q: What do you wish others knew?
I wish I would have known people were suffering from these serious side effects. They said it was safe and effective . It wasn't safe or effective for me, and a lot of others.
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